Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Debate that I watched

I know that this is long due, but I haven't been able to find the time to post this. Since there's two days of E-Learning, I have finally found some time to do this :)

Lets Begin.

I went for a debate that was held in the Drama Centre. The topic was on Euthanasia. The audience was also told that the purpose of the debate is to spread the love of debating.

This was some of the points the side which supported Euthanasia gave. They mentioned that Euthanasia gives you the right to choose how you want to live your life. It was also stated by them that if you were forced to stay alive suffering from pain is something which a liberal society cannot accept. Letting these patients make a choice is giving them dignity.

The other side of the house too stated their points. They believed that cures can be found for the illnesses and those that are terminally ill must have hope. To strengthen their point, they gave an example of a man who woke up 20 minutes before his family members pulled the plug on him. They did not believe in Mercy Killing, they believe Euthanasia on unconscious patients were plain murder.

To rebut this point, the other side of the house stated that this was an isolated case, which could be 1 case in a million cases. They thought that it was inethical to let 999, 999 people suffer because of the 1 person who will wake up eventually. They also said that society is bult on the principle of mercy. A rebuttal was given when one of the debaters said: " So you think that one life isn't important? ".

We must also remember that there are a small group of people in the society who cannot afford to pay for long-term hospital bills and therefore choose to pull the plug out on their loved ones.

All in all, I feel that I have learned many things in the first debate that I have attended. Sarcasm was used during the debate as each side of the house tried to persuade the audience to their viewpoint. The words that were used were also chosen carefully, to maximize the impact on the audience. I feel that attending a debate had me learn new things. I will attend future debates if I have the chance to do so!

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