Monday, January 18, 2010

My Eventful Weekend!

This will be my first post on my 2010 English blog. I will blog mostly about what I experienced that day and current affairs. Well, I didn't have a chance to blog last weekend because I was rather busy.


Morning: Scouts CCA
Afternoon: Tuition
Night: Badminton

That means the whole of Saturday is occupied with activities and I did not get a chance to do my Homework.


Morning: Tuition
Afternoon and Night : Homework ( Finally XD )

Speaking of Scouts, I just joined the CCA a week back. I transferred to it from Chinese Orchestra because I thought that I wasn't really making any progress in it, and did not want to waste my time there. I do hope that I learn something useful in Scouts! Went for the Friday lesson, which was the sub-EP3, chose drums in bugle band, quite fun at times. The I/Cs of Scouts allowed us to play soccer during the duration of the EP3. Not bad!

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