Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My week at school.

I halfway through the week at school, since its Wednesday when I'm posting this. I feel that the homework for this week is a little too much. Sleeping late and waking early, feeling a little tired. Not really looking forward to CCA on Friday and the weekend.

Let me share with you some things that I have encountered during this week. Yesterday ( Tuesday ), after school, I went down to the canteen. After seeing the long queues in front of each store, and feeling sick of the canteen's food, having to eat if every weekday of the week as lunch. I decided to go to the nearby Bukit Timah Food Centre and enjoy a Japanese meal there. After taking my lunch, I went to the nearby bus stop for the busride home. I was queuing up to get onto a bus. There was a short woman behind me. I had barely tapped my EZ-link on the card reader, before I was interrupted by a loud " EXCUSE ME". Instinctively, I turned around, only to see the woman staring at me rudely. As the bus was rather packed at that point of time, there wasn't any space for me to move in front. But the lady, just pushed through people, seemingly afraid that the seat that she had seen would be taken by someone. In the process of doing so, she stepped on my feet and knocked into an old man. The old man was annoyed and shouted at her in Hokkien, asking her what she thought she was doing. At first, the woman ignored the old man and continued her quest of getting the empty seat. Then, she seemed to find her manners, and started apologising to the old man in a mixture of English, Mandarin and Hokkien.

I was rather relieved that nothing serious happened out of this incident. It is not difficult to find inconsiderate Singaporeans like the lady on public transports this day. I myself have witnessed a few other similar incidents. I really hope that all Singaporeans can learn not to be so " kiasu ", and could also learn to be more gracious. Imagine what a foreigner from another country will think of Singapore if he happen to witness this incident.

This will be all for this post. I'll be posting my debate reflections soon.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My Eventful Weekend!

This will be my first post on my 2010 English blog. I will blog mostly about what I experienced that day and current affairs. Well, I didn't have a chance to blog last weekend because I was rather busy.


Morning: Scouts CCA
Afternoon: Tuition
Night: Badminton

That means the whole of Saturday is occupied with activities and I did not get a chance to do my Homework.


Morning: Tuition
Afternoon and Night : Homework ( Finally XD )

Speaking of Scouts, I just joined the CCA a week back. I transferred to it from Chinese Orchestra because I thought that I wasn't really making any progress in it, and did not want to waste my time there. I do hope that I learn something useful in Scouts! Went for the Friday lesson, which was the sub-EP3, chose drums in bugle band, quite fun at times. The I/Cs of Scouts allowed us to play soccer during the duration of the EP3. Not bad!